Bella: Kubernetes Library
Splunk producer for Broadway data processing pipelines
HTTP caching middleware for Tesla
Domain driven async abstractions like Domain Event Bus, Event subscriptions/emit, Async Command handling and Async Req/Reply.
A pulsar client implemented purely in Elixir
For fetching data from any headless CMS with an ETS cache for lightning fast response times.
eXaMPPle is a XMPP Component Framework
A wrapper around Qex with queue count and telemetry events
From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
Download and warehouse historical trading data
Trace Snowpack (Snowflake driver) queries with OpenTelemetry.
An Elixir Library for Chalk's API
A pragmatic parser combinator library
Elixir IPC
A single-line logger implementation to replace the default Phoenix logger.
A serving for batch processing
Provides a modular approach for using beam-telemetry packages.
Logflare Elixir SDK
Snowflake driver for Elixir
A Plug that caches HTTP responses
Ethereum utilities for Elixir.
A library that allows capturing http requests, websocket "actions", oban job executions and other custom "events" (think cron-like stuff)...
Logger helpers, providing format functions of various formats and seamless integrations with other libraries.
Twirp provides an Elixir implementation of the Twirp RPC framework.
Token bucket rate limiter written in elixir with configurable backends
A domain specific language for building scalable, distributed stream processing applications with custom distribution strategies.
An Elixir Etcd client.
An Elixir library for writing and running code chores.
Domain driven async abstractions like DomainEventBus, Event subscriptions/emit, Async Command handling and Async Req/Reply.
An EVM block ingestion toolkit for Elixir