An Uberauth strategy for Ameritrade authentication.
Implementation of the Minecraft protocol in Elixir. Aims to provide functional ways to interact with the minecraft protocol on all levels...
An Ueberauth strategy for Pinterest authentication.
An Überauth strategy for Headhunter authentication.
An Ueberauth strategy for using TeamSnap to authenticate your users.
An Uberauth strategy for Runkeeper authentication.
An Ueberauth strategy for using EVE SSO to authenticate your users.
Ueberauth strategy for Active Directory authentication
An Ueberauth strategy for using Wechat to authenticate your users.
An authentication library using cookies designed to work with the Howdy web server.
Flexible authentication solution for Elixir/Phoenix with Guardian.
HTTP Basic Authentication Plug
Firebase Authentication for Plug
An Uberauth strategy for Qiita authentication.
Swiss army knife authentication framework for Elixir projects.
A very simple read only client that authenticates and reads secrets from HashiCorp's Vault. Forked from findmypast/vaultex.
An Uberauth strategy for Yandex authentication.
Simple authentication module for the XTurn server.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Todoist to authenticate your users.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Mercado Libre to authenticate your users
Tempestas is a simple library for the Apple WeatherKit API that handles all authentication for you.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Arise to authenticate your users.
An Uberauth strategy for Vkontakte authentication.
An Uberauth strategy for Goodreads authentication.
Ueberauth strategy for Intercom authentication.
Plug for simple token authentication
JWE plugin for Guardian authentication framework
User authentication with mail verification.
An Ueberauth strategy for authenticating your application with Weebly.
Fast, lean and reliable authentication server based on verifiable credentials standard