O Skeleton Service é um facilitador para criação de serviços em sua aplicação. Um serviço nada mais é do que uma ação ou ev...
MessengerBot event storage addon for PostgreSQL
O Skeleton Query ajuda a criar composes para queries feitas usando o Ecto.Repo.
AgensGraph and AGE extension for Postgrex.
A wrapper around Ecto to simplify queries
Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.
Pagination library for Elixir.
erlang wrapper for the postgrex postgres client
Ecto and postgrex support for infinite dates and times.
Ecto auto migration library. It allows to generate and run migrations for initial and update migrations.
Adds helpful extras to Guardian like default mailer support, as well as out of the box controllers and routes
Maestro: event sourcing
Dynamic Instagram-like PostgreSQL sharding with Ecto
Email Management
Grim is a pruning library that periodically destroys stale records that are no longer useful.
For syncing content from Sanity CMS to Ecto/PostgreSQL.
Elixir ACL library for managing user abilities and permissions with support of ecto and compatibility with absinthe
Interval operations on Decimal, DateTime, Integer, Float, etc. with Ecto support for Postgres Range types, and implementing intervals ove...
Txbox is a Bitcoin transaction storage schema
This package allows to add audit log that is based on Ecto changesets and stored in a separate table.
Turnkey Auth Auth Application
Wrapper for the pgmq extension
Event Sourcing and CQRS building blocks.
Phoenix-based framework for chatbot development and orchestration.
Hybrid Search with Postgres and Ecto.
A simple paginator helper for Elixir Phoenix
Lib for elixir
Ecto extensions to support auditing data changes in your Schema.
Generate fictitious data in elixir for unit test.
Fast feature toggling for applications, with plugable backends.