Plug module for Recaptcha needs Edit
Phoenix integration with Jank front-end
An opinionated OAuth 2.0 server for Elixir projects.
A plug that checks the signature and expiration of a jwt for authentication
A simple kademlia implementation
Plugs for reporting trace data to Instana
Easy file uploads for Elixir/Phoenix
This is a partial implementation of RFC2387. This implementation is heavily influence by `Plug.Parsers.MULTIPART` which is shipped with P...
This library provides a convinient way to validate incoming parameters of your Phoenix application's controllers.
An Elixir application for login and session management.
Authorization library for Elixir applications
A library for interacting with the GroupMe API.
exvalidate is a data validator for elixir, container a plug for the validate request.
Returns an ordered list of the most similar Phoenix routes by closeness to a real endpoint
This package adds an HTTP header to all Plug responses, to spread good will and compassion throughout the Web. server for Elixir.
Detect devices that desktop, mobile, smartphone and tabled form User Agent.
Proxy plug for upstream servers
An ecto type that provides easy way of managing email addresses in a database
Plug builder for the routing of Slack slash commands
An Elixir plug to cache the response
A sample server for testing RESTful API clients through HTTP
PhoenixGonFork hex - your Phoenix variables in your JavaScript. Without problems with releases now (because no Mix.env() check in runtime).
VKontakte request validation plug
Yield 421 Error on HTTP/2 wrong host in connection.
A plug to proxy requests to Plausible
Like Django Rest Framework, but for Phoenix
Setup and Maintenance Tools with RESTish API
A plug for percent-decoding incoming request paths and updating the connection object appropriately
A Plug that minifies HTML response body