Elixir library for safely using any external service or API using automatic retry with rate limiting and circuit breakers. Calls to exter...
An OTP Process Pool Application
HTML formatter with pretty graphs for the (micro) benchmarking library benchee. Also allows export as PNG image!
Library to create named process in a cluster node and send messages to them.
Simple Background Job Processing with Mnesia
A library to calculate Xirr using the Newton method using parallel processes.
Fastimage finds the dimensions/size or file type of a remote or local image file given the file path or uri respectively.
Erlang/Elixir image converter
Terminal shell emulation as a process
Verk is a job processing system backed by Redis.
Erlang Disk and Image File Abstraction Library
Cloud Vision API client library. Integrates Google Vision features, including image labeling, face, logo, and landmark detection, optical...
An Elixir client library for generating image URLs with imgix
A tiny image reader/writer library using stb_image as the backend
A wrapper for `Application.get_config/3` and `System.get_env/1` that makes it easy to swap in process-specific overrides. Among other thi...
A wrapper for starting and stopping a child process in runtime, based on periodic checks
Create thumbnails from images and video screenshots.
ExMagick is a library for manipulating images interfacing with GraphicsMagick. It's implemented using Erlang NIFs (Native Implemented Fun...
External buffer processes to protect against mailbox overflow
A library that helps with uploading image files and urls to cloudinary. Also provides a helper to generate transformations and cloudina...
A library which allows to store temporary data in the process dictionary.
This package provides a client interface to a Stanford CoreNLP Server for natural language processing (NLP) of textual content.
sidejob is an Erlang library that implements a parallel, capacity-limited request pool. In sidejob, these pools are called resources. A r...
Background processing application/library written in Elixir that uses RabbitMQ as a messaging backend
An OTP process that allows a user to add one line to create a cron job to call disconnect all every X minutes.
This is a library to create and manage a PID file from the BEAM process.
Simple and reliable background job processing library for Elixir. Has persistence, retries, delayed jobs, concurrency limiting, error ha...
Buffy the Process Slayer
Read EXIF data from JPEG images.
Essence is a library for Natural Language Processing and Text Summarization in Elixir.