Authorization superpowers for applications using Ecto
Simple layout builder that allows you to create, store and show layout based of rows and cols
An Ecto adapter for LDAP
A wrapper around Ecto to simplify queries
An extension on `Ecto.Schema` where you can provide additional options, which will be read by the corresponding `PropSchema.TestHarness` ...
SQLite3 adapter for Ecto
MessengerBot event storage addon for PostgreSQL
New Relic tracking for Phoenix and Plug applications.
A library to easily create "ago" times.
Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.
Library for standardized Graphql error handling through Absinthe
Ecto extension that adds a tiny bit of inheritance for the schemas.
A configurable, extendable DevOps environment app. This app installs tools based on the given operating systems.
Ecto and postgrex support for infinite dates and times.
Query adds simple tools to aid the use of Ecto in web settings.
An Finite state machine implementation for elixir
Ecto auto migration library. It allows to generate and run migrations for initial and update migrations.
An Ecto wrapper for RavenDB
A super simple Elasticsearch tool with its own DSL and Ecto-like use.
Phoenix Generators with ExMachina and JaSerializer Support
Measure your Elixir! A metrics library that will help Elixirists keep track of their application's performance, as well as any custom st...
Adds helpful extras to Guardian like default mailer support, as well as out of the box controllers and routes
Email Management
Dynamic Instagram-like PostgreSQL sharding with Ecto
Maestro: event sourcing
Everything your Phoenix Elixir app needs to use Twitter Bootstrap 4
Interval operations on Decimal, DateTime, Integer, Float, etc. with Ecto support for Postgres Range types, and implementing intervals ove...
This package allows to add audit log that is based on Ecto changesets and stored in a separate table.
Elixir ACL library for managing user abilities and permissions with support of ecto and compatibility with absinthe
Inspecto (Inspect + Ecto) is a utility to help inspect and summarize your Ecto schemas, giving you an overview of the shape of your datab...