Barebones Elixir Google Analytics API wrapper
Logger backend module for Slack.
A timezone data provider for Gleam!
A DSL for Amazon DynamoDB
Elixir package for the HiRez API which provides data about its games and lets you bypass all the session generation and url-building logi...
A library for parsing Dutch Smart Meter Requirements (DSMR) telegram data
Relax Lib with some tools
Ecto-friendly units commonly used in the IHDL world.
Create a process to monitor an Atom/RSS 2.0 feed, and dispatch updates.
This library follows the METRO 2 ® data reporting format, which is a data reporting format for consumer credit account data furnishers.
A glue keeping Phoenix and Ecto together
Marvel API and CLI Client
Riak CS API wrapper for Elixir.
A Plug to validate Shopify JWT
A library for parsing Dutch Smart Meter Requirements (DSMR) telegram data
A library for connecting with Cloudinary in Elixir
Elixir protocols for HTTP requests and responses
Azure Cosmos Db driver using the SQL REST API.
An elixir/phoenix library to give support of soft deletion in database/schema
Coinglass API Client for Elixir
A GPX parser for Elixir.
Computational distributable flows with stages inspired by Flow, Spark and EMR.
Library for parsing iCalendar files in elixir structs.
A tiny utility that generates a calendar month array given a date.
Elixir API client for Mobilpay (
A wrapper around in Elixir to know how long it takes to execute a function
An Elixir implementation of the Supermemo 2 Algorithm as described here:
PorscheConnEx is a library for connecting to the Porsche Connect API, to monitor and control your Porsche vehicle.
Poloniex Public/Trade API Elixir Client