A Crowdin client for Elixir.
Using plain old SQL to query databases
Tools for using Postgres temporary tables with Ecto
Dynamically create Absinthe GraphQL payload objects for mutations 🚚💨
Cassandra Adapter for Ecto
Factories for elixir to help create data models at random, this works for any type of ecto structs
A Small collection of functions to make easier render schema's fields with its associations.
Ecto fragments for ParadeDB.
LiveView TimeTravel debugger allows you to record and replay your LiveView's lifecycle as you interact with the page
Builds upon Ecto to create a ready to go customizable CRUD module for a schema.
A debug web toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about request
A simple, secure, and highly configurable Elixir identity [username | email | id | etc.]/password authentication module; Compatible wit...
EctoChangesetTools is a library that extends the validation and formatting utilities found in Ecto.Changeset
A composable database transaction library
Local, application-level PubSub API for dispatching side effects.
EctoConditionals implements a flexibly functional find_or_create and upsert behavior for Ecto models.
FIQL (Feed Item Query Language) parser and query build
A Soft Bank To Handle your Financial Accounts using a Dual Entry Accounting System.
A testing toolkit for making assertions on database writes.
Pagination library for Ecto. Includes helper for building 'next' and 'previous' links in a template.
Scrivener and Scrivener.Ecto rewrite with added support of multitenancy via prefix Repo option.
Ecto type for PostgreSQL's tstzrange
Tree structure & hierarchy for ecto models. Uses the materialized path pattern
Provides Ecto-like API for casting and validating params.
Provides some helper methods to build manager and admin applications quicker
Structured prompting for LLMs
Read and authenticate against ASP.NET Membership Microsoft SQL Server databases
SecureX is Role Based Access Control(RBAC) and Access Control List (ACL) to handle User Roles And Permissions.
Totally not an attempt to build Ransack-like search
Finix API client library for Elixir.