Swiss is a bundle of extensions to the standard lib.
Postgres adapter for :alarm_clock
Elixir GraphQL Client with HTTP and WebSocket Support
Ecto integration for Formex form library
Ecto Adapter for Microsoft SQL Server. Using Mssqlex.
State machines as data for Elixir
A newtype abstraction for Elixir
User-friendly translations manager for Elixir/Phoenix projects.
Seed data generation for Ecto
An ArangoDB adapter for Ecto supporting Ecto queries and graph queries.
Build and Deploy Elixir releases to Kubernetes via Helm
A data-driven Ecto Query builder for nested associations.
A library to work with ISBN written in Elixir.
Composable query convenience functions for Ecto
Library for handling ranges. Includes Ecto Types for PostgreSQL.
Declare job workers that can be run by a variety of queuing backends. This plugin is a port of the Rails ActiveJob gem
DSL and polyfill to express MERGE queries using ecto (postgres adapter only)
AbaModel is a database model based on the HOTS API (
Stein contains common helper functions to our projects at SmartLogic.
A library for common Ecto changeset transformations.
A framework which rethinks how data flows, and how we build apps.
Easily generate structs and maps based on your ecto schemas.
Elixir library for generating HTTP clients from OpenAPI V3 json specifications
Provides functions for converting, comparing and shifting Elixir dates/times.
State machine pattern for Ecto. I tried to make it similar as possible to ruby's gem 'aasm'
Extend Commanded package
A Helpers Set for build automatic filters on Ecto Schemas
Utilities to return ecto validation error messages in an absinthe graphql response.
A Client for Cielo E-Commerce API
Postgres sync engine. Sync little subsets of your Postgres data into local apps and services.