
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
596 809

  • ecto_date_time_range1.3.0

    5 579 Downloads

    Ecto type for PostgreSQL's tstzrange

  • ecto_email2.0.0


    An Ecto.Type for email address fields

  • ecto_temp1.2.0

    1 183 Downloads

    Tools for using Postgres temporary tables with Ecto

  • exceed0.3.1


    A high-level stream-oriented MS Excel OpenXML (`.xlsx`) generator

  • gen_medic1.11.0

    3 994 Downloads

    Medic project generator.

    Adds necessary Medic support files to a project.

    ## Installation

    mix archive.install hex gen_medic

    ## Usage

    mix gen.medic

  • gestalt2.0.0

    38 351 Downloads

    A wrapper for `Application.get_config/3` and `System.get_env/1` that makes it easy to swap in process-specific overrides. Among other things, this allows tests to provide async-safe overrides.

  • html_query1.4.0

    14 409 Downloads

    HTML query functions

  • markdown_formatter1.0.0

    409 140 Downloads

    A mix format plugin for markdown files

  • medic1.11.0

    6 073 Downloads

    Automation for setting up a project for development.

    ## Installation

    mix archive.install hex gen_medic mix gen.medic

    ## Usage

    bin/dev/doctor bin/dev/update bin/dev/test

  • moar1.60.0

    88 699 Downloads

    A dependency-free utility library containing 100+ useful functions.

  • pages1.1.0

    12 130 Downloads

    Page pattern for interacting with web pages

  • schema_assertions1.0.0

    14 900 Downloads

    ExUnit assertions for Ecto schemas

  • supra1.0.0


    Common functions and macros for Ecto

  • tablerone0.5.0

    1 066 Downloads

    Download load tabler icons to and load from the current project

  • xml_query1.0.0


    Some simple XML query functions

Synchronal Dev