Nerves System - Raspberry Pi 3 B / B+
Library application for Exred. Handles storage and access of flows.
Maintaines a connection pool to the AWS IOT service in Exred flows.
Receives updates from AWS IoT Thing Shadows
Sends updates to AWS IoT Thing Shadows
Logs debug messages in Exred flows
Exred node that executes message handler functions defined through the UI
Reads data from RaspberryPi GPIO pins
Sends data to a RaspberryPi GPIO pin
Exred node that sets up a gRPC server. Used with exred_node_grpc_twin
Exred node that pairs with an external service
Exred node to control a SunFounder PiCar
Provides connection pool to a Redis database
Reads from Redis
Writes to Redis
Takes photos with the RaspberryPi Camera module
Runs shell commands
Suppresses incoming messages for a defined time period
Triggers execution of other nodes by sending a configurable message
Exred node prototype behaviour
Helper library to test Exred nodes
Common modules for exred grpc nodes