A simple tool built-in dataset for processing Chinese name, to get the surname, the given name, or both from the valid Chinese name input.
An Elixir implementation of Douglas Crockford's Base32 encoding with an integer or a bitstring
Alibaba Tablestore adapter for Ecto
An Elixir implementation of TypeID.
WeChat SDK for Elixir
Aliyun AMQP SDK for Elixir/Erlang
Alibaba Cloud Message Notification Service (MNS) SDK
Aliyun TableStore SDK for Elixir/Erlang
An Elixir implemention of RFC 6901 JSON pointer.
An Elixir server implementation of OpenAPI Specification v3 within Plug
A tiny plug for replacing response fields
A fast and efficient tool for converting XML to Elixir Map
The generated protobuf modules to Alibaba TableStore Elixir SDK