
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
153 381

  • artsy0.1.1

    3 334 Downloads

    Wrapper to use Artsy API to get artworks.

  • botlead0.3.0

    20 284 Downloads

    Elixir framework for writing and configuring chat bots

  • ecto_gss0.3.6

    5 724 Downloads

    Use Google Spreadsheets as storage for Ecto objects.

  • elixir_google_spreadsheets0.4.0

    110 369 Downloads

    Elixir library to read and write data of Google Spreadsheets.

  • ex_factory0.2.1

    1 034 Downloads

    Elixir library to manage automatic docker-compose redeployments for new docker images

  • gen_router0.1.7

    2 450 Downloads

    Elixir library to handle generic routing tasks in Plug.Router and Phoenix router style

  • ibm_push0.1.1


    Wrapper to use IBM Bluemix Push notification REST API.

  • norwegian_id_number0.1.1

    8 854 Downloads

    Elixir library to parse and validate Norwegian national identification numbers

  • storebrand0.1.1


    Wrapper to use Storebrand REST API.

Vyacheslav Voronchuk