
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
122 934 647

  • ecc_compact1.1.1

    133 073 Downloads

    Patent-free ECC point compression for NIST P-256 keys.

  • erlang_tc0.1.0


    Erlang bindings for threshold cryptography over BLS12-381 keys

  • gen_smtp1.2.0

    31 569 475 Downloads

    The extensible Erlang SMTP client and server library.

  • h33.6.4

    28 916 Downloads

    An OTP library

  • hextree0.1.6

    3 120 Downloads

    An Erlang wrapper for h3 hextrees/hexsets.

  • lager3.9.2

    13 138 642 Downloads

    Erlang logging framework

  • libp2p_crypto1.4.1

    74 385 Downloads

    An Erlang library for libp2p related cryptography functions

  • libp2p_peerbook0.2.0


    Helium libp2p peerbook

  • merkerl1.1.1

    13 960 Downloads

    An Erlang implementation of a merkle tree

  • multiaddr1.1.3

    131 058 Downloads

    An Erlang implementation of multiaddr

  • multihash2.1.0

    98 017 Downloads

    An Erlangng implementation of multihash

  • poolboy1.5.2

    76 911 154 Downloads

    A hunky Erlang worker pool factory

  • splicer0.5.5

    92 705 Downloads

    An OTP library for splicing 2 sockets together

  • syslog1.1.0

    739 723 Downloads

    Syslog for erlang

  • xorf1.0.0


    An Erlang library for xor filters and their derivatives

Andrew Thompson