Bumper Crop is an Elixir client package for communicating with Harvest's v2 API (getharvest.com)
Nerves System - Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W
LineDrive is a client package for communicating with Pipedrive (pipedrive.com)
Pipple is an Elixir client package for communicating with Rippling's API (rippling.com)
Pummpcomm is a library to handle communication with a Medtronic insulin pump via a serial link to a cc1110 chip running subg_rfspy.
RFM69 is a library to handle sub-GHz wireless packet communication via an RFM69 chip.
SubgRfspy is a library to handle sub-GHz wireless packet communication via a TI cc1110 chip running subg_rfspy.
Twilight Informant is an Elixir client for the Nightscout (cgm-remote-monitor) JSON API.