A library that helps with uploading image files and urls to cloudinary. Also provides a helper to generate transformations and cloudinary urls pointing to your images
A library to help with formatting a number to a currency using iso standards and other convenience functions related to formatting currencies
EctoTranslate is a library that helps with translating Ecto data. EctoTranslate can help you with returning translated values of your Ecto data attributes. For this it uses a singe table called 'translations' which will contain polymorphic entries for all of your Ecto data stucts.
A library to verify and complete address information via http://everythinglocation.com
A library that can convert currencies and uses automatic updating of the currrency rates using openexchangerates.org
An Elixir library that can extract the Phoenix router paths and create a java/typescript module of them.
A Phoenix Plug to help with supporting I18n routes (http://www.example.org/de-at/foo/bar/az). Will also set Gettext to the requested locale used in the url when supported by your Gettext.
An Uberauth strategy for Paypal authentication.