
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
309 573

  • batched_communication0.2.0

    22 799 Downloads

    Mostly-transparent batching of remote messages in Erlang/Elixir cluster

  • croma0.12.0

    98 727 Downloads

    Elixir macro utilities to make type-based programming easier

  • delegate_behaviour0.1.6

    15 529 Downloads

    Macros to define modules that delegate to concrete implementations of behaviours

  • dist_agent0.3.1

    14 604 Downloads

    Elixir framework to run distributed, fault-tolerant variant of Agent.

  • exref0.1.1

    8 672 Downloads

    Damn simple mix integration of xref.

  • foretoken0.3.0

    21 034 Downloads

    An ETS-based implementation of the token bucket algorithm

  • pool_sup0.6.2

    33 087 Downloads

    A supervisor specialized to manage pool of workers

  • raft_fleet0.10.2

    39 202 Downloads

    A fleet of Raft consensus groups

  • raft_kv0.2.5

    17 376 Downloads

    An Elixir library to store key-value pairs in a distributed, fault-tolerant, self-adjusting data structure.

  • rafted_value0.11.2

    38 543 Downloads

    Replicated and synchronized values wrapped by processes

Shunsuke Kirino