
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
6 073 477

  • arrays2.1.1

    37 746 Downloads

    Well-structured Arrays with fast random-element-access for Elixir, offering a common interface with multiple implementations (MapArray, Erlang :array, etc.) with varying performance guarantees that can be switched in your configuration.

  • arrays_aja0.2.0


    An `Arrays` implementation for `Aja`'s `Vector` datatype, which is an implementation of a 'Hickey Trie' Vector written completely in Elixir. This implementation very efficient for most array-based operations.

  • arrays_rrb_vector0.3.0


    An `Arrays` implementation based on a set of NIFs (Natively Implemented Functions) written in Rust. The internal representation of the array is known as a 'Relaxed Radix Balanced Vector', provided by the Rust `im` library. Performance is unfortunately overshadowed by NIF-calling overhead.

  • blocked0.10.0

    2 232 Downloads

    Keep track of when hotfixes can be removed by showing compile-time warnings when issues are closed.

  • capture_pipe0.1.0

    6 704 Downloads

    CapturePipe exposes an extended pipe-operator that allows the usage of bare function captures.

  • coerce1.0.1

    1 068 278 Downloads

    Coerce allows defining coercions, standardized conversions, between data types.

  • complex_num1.1.0

    13 169 Downloads

    ComplexNum allows you to do math with Complex Numbers. Both Cartesian and Polar form are supported.

  • confy0.3.0


    Comfortable, Explicit, Multi-Layered and Well-Documented specifications for Dynamic Configuration

  • currying1.0.3

    43 484 Downloads

    The Currying library allows you to partially apply (or 'curry') any Elixir function, in a very transparent way. It also optionally implements the infix operator `~>` as a synomym for currying.

  • extractable1.0.1

    63 919 Downloads

    A lightweight reusable Extractable protocol, allowing extracting elements one-at-a-time from a collection.

  • fun_land0.10.0

    17 612 Downloads

    FunLand adds Behaviours to define Algebraic Data Types ('Container' data types) to Elixir, such as Functors, Monoids and Monads.

  • gen_frp0.5.0


    A library that allows for doing Functional Reactive Programming in Elixir

  • insertable1.0.0

    63 512 Downloads

    A lightweight reusable Insertable protocol, allowing insertion elements one-at-a-time into a collection.

  • map_diff1.3.4

    1 940 512 Downloads

    Calculates the difference between two (nested) maps, and returns a map representing the patch of changes.

  • numbers5.2.4

    1 302 228 Downloads

    Numbers dispatches on any numeric type that follows the `Numeric` behaviour. This allows you to create composite types working with _any_ numeric type (Decimal, Ratio, Tensor, ComplexNum, ???)!

  • okasaki1.0.1

    1 198 Downloads

    Well-structured Queues for Elixir, offering a common interface with multiple implementations with varying performance guarantees that can be switched in your configuration.

  • orderable0.2.1

    1 509 Downloads

    A protocol for making your custom datastructures orderable (for sorting and comparing.).

  • planga_phoenix1.1.0

    1 657 Downloads

    Easy usage of the Planga Seamless Chat Service inside an Elixir+Phoenix application.

  • prioqueue0.2.7

    3 598 Downloads

    Well-structured Priority Queues for Elixir, offering a common interface with multiple implementations with varying performance guarantees that can be switched in your configuration.

  • ratio4.0.1

    1 060 321 Downloads

    This library allows you to use Rational numbers in Elixir, to enable exact calculations with all numbers big and small.

  • revisionair0.13.4

    60 680 Downloads

    Keep track of revisions, versions, changes to your data. Persistence layer agnostic.

  • revisionair_ecto1.2.2

    58 510 Downloads

    A Revisionair Storage Adapter based on Ecto. Keeps track of revisions, changes, versions of your data structures.

  • riak_ecto30.5.0


    Ecto 3 Adapter for the Riak KV database (v 2.0 and upward), representing schemas as CRDTs.

  • rustler_elixir_fun0.3.0


    Call back into Elixir code from within a NIF implemented in Rust

  • sequences1.2.1

    7 453 Downloads

    The Sequences module defines multiple methods that return a Stream of numbers, usually integers.

  • sets0.1.0


    Well-structured Sets for Elixir, offering a common interface with multiple implementations with varying performance guarantees that can be switched in your configuration.

  • solution1.0.2

    6 849 Downloads

    A Macro-based solution to working with ok/error tuples (AKA result tuples, success tuples or tagged statuses) in `case` and `with` statements and in collections.

  • specify0.10.0

    9 754 Downloads

    Comfortable, Explicit, Multi-Layered and Well-Documented Specifications for all your configurations, settings and options

  • tea_vent0.1.1


    Perform Event dispatching in an Event Sourcing and The Elm Architecture (TEA)-like style.

  • tensor2.1.2

    210 931 Downloads

    Tensor adds Vectors, Matrices and Tensors to your application. These are a lot faster than a list (of lists).

  • type_check0.13.7

    87 941 Downloads

    Fast and flexible runtime type-checking: Type checks are optimized by the compiler and types can be composed, re-used and turned into property-testing generators. TypeCheck also focuses on showing understandable messages on typecheck-failures.