A pure-Elixir port of FastIntegerCompression.js
A FLAME backend for EC2 Machines
A pure-Elixir HNSW library
Elixir module that wraps the Erlang Jiffy package
FLIP animations of elements within LiveView
An embedded logs viewer for Elixir projects built on top of Phoenix LiveView and DuckDB. Filter, query, search, and aggregate your logs from running apps in real-time without any external dependencies (other than this one of course).
A command palette for LiveView
A client for managing the connection to a Redis Cluster using Redix as a client.
Reginald is a simple distributed registry built in pure Elixir on top of the built-in Erlang `:pg` module.
A fork of the original remix package which fixes several errors from the old version, which hasn't been updated since 2016. Original Description: Recompiles mix projects on any change to the lib directory.
A CDN-like shielded caching mechanism that enables asynchronously fetching data while returning stale data to the client.
A High Performance Low Level Elixir Webserver.
A fork of the original remix package which fixes several errors from the old version, which hasn't been updated since 2016. Original Description: Recompiles mix projects on any change to the lib directory.