
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
70 806 894

  • aws1.0.4

    1 162 906 Downloads

    AWS clients for Elixir

  • aws_erlang1.0.6

    49 082 Downloads

    AWS clients for Erlang.

  • aws_signature0.3.2

    1 479 251 Downloads

    Request signature implementation for authorizing AWS API calls

  • explorer0.10.1

    383 213 Downloads

    Series (one-dimensional) and dataframes (two-dimensional) for fast data exploration in Elixir

  • floki0.37.0

    43 457 770 Downloads

    Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors.

  • html5ever0.16.1

    124 742 Downloads

    NIF binding of html5ever using Rustler

  • mochiweb_html2.15.0

    104 075 Downloads

    Mochiweb HTML parser

  • phoenix_live_dashboard0.8.5

    21 194 321 Downloads

    Real-time performance dashboard for Phoenix

  • plds0.1.2


    CLI version of Phoenix LiveDashboard

  • rustler_precompiled0.8.2

    2 503 212 Downloads

    Make the usage of precompiled NIFs easier for projects using Rustler

  • tokenizers0.5.1

    347 358 Downloads

    Bindings to Hugging Face Tokenizers for Elixir

Philip Sampaio Silva