Hot lmugs of LFE for your simple HTTP needs
A small library for coercing to primitive Erlang types
LFE support for numbers both real and imagined
A low-level LFE/Erlang library that provides standard config/cache/data paths, following the respective conventions on Linux, macOS and Windows
A pubsub definition for the LFE Dragon web framework
A general-purpose, reitit-inspired LFE routing library
Elli WebSocket Handler.
ANSI colors for your Erlang
Erlang SVG library
Command-line options parser for Erlang
A simple in-memory K/V store with MVCC semantics for Erlang/BEAM languages
Markup Language Expressions for LFE: creating XML/HTML with S-expressions on the Erlang VM
A fork of 'fs': A native file system listener fo macos, win, & linux
An LFE Apple Health XML parser and Google Fit REST API client
The rational and most trusted friend of the tragic hero, Floating Point (rational numbers in LFE)
An ISO 8601 date formatting and parsing library for Erlang
An LFE Wrapper for the Erlang RabbitMQ (AMQP) Client
An LFE Wrapper Library used to Dress Up Erlang Libraries in a Lispy Costume
A slightly more general LFE HTTP routing library than lfest
Barista support for LFE lanes
Elli support for LFE lanes
An Erlang/LFE library for reading and merging Erlang, LFE, and TOML configuration data
An LFE Command Line Options & Tool Builder
An LFE Redis Client Library
Lisp Flavored Erlang (LFE)
The LFE Dragon Web Framework
General purpose data, functions, and utilities for use by LFE/Erlang HTTP clients, servers, URL-parsers, web frameworks, etc.
An X11 library for LFE Machines
An LFE library for working with URIs
LFE Little HTTP Client
A wrapper for json in the Erlang stdlib for 27+ and for jsx in Erlang 26 and below
LFE HTTP Server Abstraction and Web Application Middleware Infrastructure
An lmug adapter for Erlang/OTP inets httpd
A custom formatter for the logger application with LFE logging macros and human-readable output
A noise library for LFE/Erlang
Riak & Riak CS client wrappers for LFE
A Testing Framework for LFE
LFE Utility Functions and Macros
An LFE XML parser / wrapper for erlsom
A simple in-memory K/V store with MVCC semantics
Erlang MIDI Library
A simple, distributed, Mnesia-based key-value store (fork of lbm_kv).
Open Sound Control Library
Open Sound Control Server
An Erlang/LFE gnuplot process server
An LFE Library for framework-agnostic generation of static HTML content
Rational numbers in Erlang
The LFE Dragon rebar3 plugin
A comprehensive LFE rebar3 plugin for all your LFE tooling needs
The LFE rebar3 clean plugin
The LFE rebar3 compiler plugin
The LFE rebar3 test plugin
The LFE rebar3 version plugin
Run custom shell commands with rebar3 oscmd <shell command>
A rebar3 plugin for undertone
An Erlang library for unifying the treatment of results (values + errors)
An LFE application
A simple LFE TCP client connection manager
An LFE wrapper for the Erlang tomerl library
A Eurorack-inspired, modular, MIDI generation and manipulation system
A set of OTP servers that faciliate live MIDI composition and performance
Music-theoretic LFE modules: notes, intervals, keys, scales, modes, melody-generation, etc.
Making Music with Extempore, OSC, and SuperCollider in LFE/OTP
Making Music with Extempore, OSC, and SuperCollider in LFE/OTP
An experimental, general purpose LFE REPL