
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
912 265

  • cowbell1.0.1

    12 393 Downloads

    A node connection manager.

  • pgpool2.1.0

    8 218 Downloads

    A PosgreSQL client that automatically uses connection pools and reconnects in case of errors.

  • phpass0.1.0

    48 235 Downloads

    A simple implementation of PHPass’ Portable Hash.

  • ram0.5.0

    38 018 Downloads

    A distributed KV store for Erlang and Elixir.

  • rebar3_vendor0.4.0

    132 801 Downloads

    Rebar3 plugin for vendoring dependencies.

  • syn3.3.0

    672 600 Downloads

    A scalable global Process Registry and Process Group manager.