NIF Wrapper around the rust LLamaCPP client allowing elixir code to load/infer against gguf format models.
Generative AI Wrapper: access multiple apis through single standardized interface.
A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir.
Core ElixirScaffolding Library: provides protocols for working with entity/ref/ref-string identifiers.
Github API Wrapper
Core Noizu Scaffolding libraries
Elixir Entities (Structs with MetaData and Noizu EntityReference Protocol support from noizu-labs-scaffolding/core built in.
OpenAI Wrapper
Long Lived Services Scaffolding libraries
Noizu Rule Engine
Weaviate Wrapper
mnesia wrapper for Elixir
Migration Seed Helper Utility: provides tracked seed blocks, required_seed blocks that queue until seed prerequisites are met, and if_env blocks that only run in specific environments.
Smart Token - A simple token generator for authentication and authorization.