
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
1 327 283

  • aspis0.1.0

    1 549 Downloads

    Aspis is a tool that verifies that your project's hex dependencies contain only the code they have listed on their GitHub.

  • crawlie1.0.0

    4 643 Downloads

    A simple Elixir web crawler library powered by GenStage.

  • evil_left_pad0.3.0

    1 085 Downloads

    DO NOT USE THIS PACKAGE! evil_left_pad is an example of how unexpected malicious code can be injected into your project.

    See `hoplon` package for details

  • hoplon0.3.3

    4 586 Downloads

    Hoplon is a tool that verifies that your project's hex dependencies contain only the code they have listed on their GitHub.

  • raxx_kit0.12.2

    3 709 Downloads

    Micro framework for web applications with Raxx and Ace.

  • rexbug1.0.6

    1 311 711 Downloads

    Rexbug is a thin Elixir wrapper for :redbug production-friendly Erlang tracing debugger. It tries to preserve :redbug's simple and intuitive interface while making it more convenient to use by Elixir developers.

Jacek Królikowski