Implementation of agora SDK's token signing for Access Keys
Policy based RBAC validation
Client SDK for ClerkJS
An elm-css like package for elixir that helps with styling/updating Phoenix Live Views
Helper mix tasks for generating elm files like Main, Ports, Models, Msgs, etc.
A simple gleam http server and router built on top of erlang cowboy
Simple wrapper around the espresso PGO tool
Elixir wrapper for ginger proofreading API (english)
Generates headers for HTTP Digest authentication.
Generic INI parse
Adds two mix tasks for dealing with versioning and adding dependencies found in npm.
Lib for interacting with roku devices
Implements a server-side API for the jQuery Datatables library. Provides sort, search and pagination based on parameters received in client request.
Elixir wrapper for selenium webdriver protocol
Package that helps automate browser testing, similar to puppeteer.