
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
7 475 842

  • decorator_pt1.0.3-alertlogic

    448 915 Downloads

    Chain of decorators allowed in parse transforms

  • eini1.2.9

    3 091 529 Downloads

    An Erlang INI parser

  • erl_cache1.7.6

    16 458 Downloads

    A generic in-node caching library with memoization support

  • erlcloud3.7.6

    921 116 Downloads

    AWS APIs library for Erlang

  • erllambda2.2.3

    9 693 Downloads

    Erlang AWS Lambda and Utilities

  • lhttpc1.6.2

    2 484 677 Downloads

    Lightweight HTTP Client

  • mix_erllambda1.1.0

    2 896 Downloads

    Elixir OTP release packaging for AWS Lambda

  • rebar3_erllambda1.1.2

    15 188 Downloads

    Rebar3 plugin for erllambda functions

  • rebar_raw_resource0.10.0

    485 370 Downloads

    Raw resource provider for rebar3

Evgeny Bob