
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
1 660 772

  • beam_file0.6.2

    13 002 Downloads

    An interface to the BEAM file format and a decompiler

  • benchee_dsl0.5.3

    5 461 Downloads

    A DSL for benchee.

  • benchee_markdown0.3.3

    38 622 Downloads

    Markdown formatter for the (micro) benchmarking library benchee.

  • conv_case0.2.3

    400 793 Downloads

    A library to convert strings, atoms and map keys between `camelCase`, `snake_case` and `kebab-case`.

  • cron0.1.0


    Cron parses cron expressions and calculates execution timings.

  • datix0.3.2

    20 025 Downloads

    A date-time parser using `Calendar.strftime` format strings.

  • escape0.1.0

    44 095 Downloads

    An ANSI escape tool

  • fi_fo0.2.0


    This module provides (double-ended) FIFO queues in an efficient manner.

  • geometry0.4.0

    7 433 Downloads

    A set of geometry types for WKT/EWT, WKB/EWKB and GeoJson.

  • git_hub_actions0.2.24

    2 861 Downloads

    A little tool to write GitHub actions in Elixir

  • glob_ex0.1.7

    126 740 Downloads

    A library for glob expressions.

  • json_rpc0.1.0


    A JSON-RPC 2.0 library.

  • json_xema0.6.2

    317 780 Downloads

    A JSON Schema validator for draft-04, -06, and -07.

  • log_lager_backend0.0.3

    1 051 Downloads

    A logger backend that forwards log messages to lager.

  • prove0.1.7

    4 501 Downloads

    Prove provides the macros `prove` and `batch` to write simple tests shorter.

  • recode0.7.3

    107 015 Downloads

    An experimental linter with autocorrection.

  • rewrite0.10.5

    135 091 Downloads

    An API for rewriting sources in an Elixir project. Powered by sourceror.

  • time_zone_info0.7.3

    22 434 Downloads

    Time zone support for Elixir by using the IANA tz database.

  • tox0.2.3


    Some structs and functions to work with dates, times, durations, periods, and intervals.

  • xema0.17.4

    411 478 Downloads

    A schema validator inspired by JSON Schema.

  • zipper_ex0.2.0


    ZipperEx provides functions to handle an traverse tree data structures.

Marcus Kruse