
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
264 428

  • erl_cbor2.0.1

    36 323 Downloads

    An Erlang implementation of the CBOR data encoding format.

  • mc_dactyl1.0.1

    29 469 Downloads

    String templating library for Erlang

  • mc_eredis2.6.2

    34 135 Downloads

    Erlang Redis Client

  • mc_gen_rpc3.0.1


    A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages

  • mc_lhttpc4.3.2

    28 068 Downloads

    Lightweight HTTP Client

  • mc_mustache1.0.1

    1 718 Downloads

    Mustache Templates Rendering Library

  • mc_pbkdf22.2.1

    21 140 Downloads

    Erlang PBKDF2 Key Derivation Function

  • mc_poolgirl2.2.1

    25 233 Downloads

    A sexy Erlang worker pool factory

  • mc_sbroker1.1.2

    31 091 Downloads

    Low level pooling library

  • mc_small_ints1.1.1

    43 674 Downloads

    ZigZag and varint encoding and decoding of integers

  • mc_vsn_transform1.1.1

    12 754 Downloads

    Apply git vsn to modules
