
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
37 929 237

  • amqp_client3.12.14

    12 170 771 Downloads

    RabbitMQ AMQP Client

  • aten0.6.0

    918 274 Downloads

    Erlang node failure detector

  • credentials_obfuscation3.4.0

    8 513 989 Downloads

    Helper library that obfuscates sensitive values in process state

  • cuttlefish3.2.0

    622 963 Downloads

    cuttlefish configuration abstraction

  • gen_batch_server0.8.8

    813 822 Downloads

    Generic batching server

  • ra2.13.5

    545 258 Downloads

    Raft library

  • rabbit_common3.13.6

    11 880 045 Downloads

    Modules shared by rabbitmq-server and rabbitmq-erlang-client

  • seshat0.6.0

    322 052 Downloads

    Counters registry

  • stdout_formatter0.2.4

    1 458 734 Downloads

    Tools to format paragraphs, lists and tables as plain text

  • sysmon_handler1.3.0

    683 329 Downloads

    Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler

Michael Klishin