
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
3 127 945

  • cabbage0.4.1

    242 273 Downloads

    Story BDD tool for executing elixir in ExUnit

  • flames0.7.2

    12 579 Downloads

    Live error monitoring to watch your Phoenix app going up in flames in real time!

    Open source version of error aggregation services. Hooks into Elixir's Logger to provide accurate error reporting all throughout your application.

  • gherkin2.0.0

    464 736 Downloads

    Gherkin file parser for Elixir

  • global1.0.0


    A wrapper for Erlang's :global module with documentation.

  • httpoison_retry1.1.0

    273 100 Downloads

    Automatic configurable sleep/retry for HTTPoison requests

  • named_args0.1.1

    42 871 Downloads

    Ensures default maps and keyword lists have the defaults specified.

  • pattern_tap0.4.0

    26 342 Downloads

    Macro for tapping into a pattern match while using the pipe operator

  • plug_session_redis0.1.0

    12 684 Downloads

    The Redis Plug.Session adapter for the Phoenix framework.

  • scrivener_html1.8.1

    2 036 426 Downloads

    HTML helpers for Scrivener

  • stub_alias0.1.2

    16 446 Downloads

    Environment specific aliases.