
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
189 335

  • argon21.2.0

    13 893 Downloads

    nifs for hashing and verifying passwords using argon2

  • birl1.8.0

    79 828 Downloads

    Date / Time handling for Gleam

  • bison1.6.0

    1 885 Downloads

    BSON encoder and decoder for Gleam

  • blah1.3.0

    2 124 Downloads

    fake data generation for gleam

  • dove0.12.0


    HTTP client written in and for Gleam

  • enux1.6.0

    4 720 Downloads

    utility package for loading, validating and documenting your app's configuration variables from env, json, jsonc and toml files at runtime and injecting them into your environment

  • jsonc0.9.0

    2 809 Downloads

    utilities to work with jsonc, a superset of json

  • juno1.3.0


    Flexible JSON decoding for Gleam

  • mungo0.26.0


    A MongoDB driver for Gleam (formerly gleam_mongo)

  • phony1.1.11

    1 550 Downloads

    An international phone number validator

  • puddle0.5.0

    1 306 Downloads

    A resource pool manager for gleam

  • radish0.15.0

    2 062 Downloads

    A Gleam client for Valkey, KeyDB, Redis and other tools with compatible APIs

  • ranger1.4.0

    76 475 Downloads

    create ranges over any type

shayan javani