
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
378 901

  • elixir_agi0.0.20

    7 977 Downloads

    Elixir client for the Asterisk AGI protocol.

    Find the user guide in the github repo at:

  • elixir_ami0.0.20

    8 372 Downloads

    Elixir client for the Asterisk AMI protocol.

    Find the user guide in the github repo at:

  • elixir_authorizenet0.4.1

    7 546 Downloads

    Elixir client for the Authorize.Net merchant AIM API.

    A number of features are implemented, but I still consider this as WIP, and pull requests, suggestions, or other kind of feedback are very welcome!

    User guide at:

  • elixir_freshbooks0.0.10

    2 769 Downloads

    Elixir client for FreshBooks.

  • elixir_mod_event0.0.10

    10 989 Downloads

    Elixir client for FreeSWITCH mod_event_socket.

    Find the user guide in the github repo at:

  • ex_abnf0.3.0

    13 600 Downloads

    A parser and interpreter for ABNF grammars. This is not a parser generator, but an interpreter. It will load up an ABNF grammar, and generate an AST for it. Then one can apply any of the rules to an input and the interpreter will parse the input according to the rule.

  • ex_rfc39660.3.0

    2 338 Downloads

    A "tel" URI parser trying to be strictly compatible with RFC3966. Uses official ABNF grammar and ex_abnf as interpreter.

  • ex_rfc39860.3.0

    7 526 Downloads

    An URI parser trying to be strictly compatible with RFC3986. Uses official ABNF grammar and ex_abnf as interpreter.

  • logger_logstash_backend5.0.0

    317 357 Downloads

    Logstash UDP producer backend for Logger.

  • servito0.0.10


    Launches HTTP servers for testing