
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
50 076 860

  • alchemy0.3.1

    15 233 Downloads

    Perform experiments in production

  • band0.5.2

    12 306 Downloads

    A collection of instrumenters for common elixir projects.

  • butler0.7.1

    19 317 Downloads

    A simple elixir robot to help you get things done

  • butler_cage0.0.2

    2 863 Downloads

    A Butler plugin for showing silly photos of Nick Cage.

  • butler_new0.4.3

    1 505 Downloads

  • butler_tableflip0.0.3

    4 216 Downloads

    Butler Plugin for flipping tables.

  • chatops_rpc0.2.0


    An elixir implementation of ChatopsRPC

  • circular_buffer0.4.1

    779 061 Downloads

    General purpose circular buffer.

  • deadline0.7.1

    496 379 Downloads

    Deadline is a small library for managing deadlines and deadline propagation.

  • drax0.1.0


    Drax provides a group of common CRDTs.

  • ecto_hlclock0.3.0

    13 701 Downloads

    Ecto type support for storing/retrieving HLC timestamps

  • fawkes0.4.1

    1 779 Downloads

    Fawkes is a system for building chatbots.

  • finch0.19.0

    41 867 864 Downloads

    An HTTP client focused on performance.

  • groot0.1.2

    81 488 Downloads

    Groot is a distributed KV store built on distributed erlang, LWW Register CRDTS, and Hybrid Logical Clocks.

  • hlcid0.1.0

    25 514 Downloads

    Generates unique, k-ordered ids based on hybrid logical clocks.

  • hlclock1.0.0

    121 247 Downloads

    Hybrid Logical Clocks.

  • mentat0.7.3

    422 156 Downloads

    Simple caching with ttls.

  • norm0.13.1

    2 087 488 Downloads

    Norm is a system for specifying the structure of data. It can be used for validation and for generation of data. Norm does not provide any set of predicates and instead allows you to re-use any of your existing validations.

  • oath0.1.1

    422 730 Downloads

    Oath provides a system for Design by Contract in Elixir.

  • phoenix_webpack0.1.0


    Easily generate webpack configs for phoenix

  • raft0.2.1


    An implementation of the raft consensus protocol. Provides a way to create strongly consistent, distributed state machines.

  • regulator0.6.0

    180 411 Downloads

    Regulator provides adaptive conconcurrency and congestion control algorithms for load shedding.

  • rollout0.2.1

    8 523 Downloads

    Rollout allows you to flip features quickly and easily. It relies on distributed erlang and uses LWW-Registers and Hybrid-logical clocks to provide maximum availability and low latency.

  • schism1.0.1

    49 717 Downloads

    Schism provides a simple api for partitioning networked BEAM instances without having to leave elixir code.

  • sync_dispatch0.1.0


    SyncDispatch provides a system for Design by Contract in Elixir.

  • twirp0.8.0

    42 139 Downloads

    Twirp provides an Elixir implementation of the Twirp RPC framework.

  • vapor0.10.0

    1 021 502 Downloads

    Dynamic configuration management

  • wallaby0.30.10

    2 387 170 Downloads

    Concurrent feature tests for elixir

  • weirding0.2.2

    9 932 Downloads

    Weirding is the best way to generate complete gibberish.

Chris Keathley