
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
242 016

  • bamboo_elastic_email1.2.1

    17 727 Downloads

    A Bamboo adapter for the Elastic Email email service

  • heroicons_liveview0.5.0

    21 885 Downloads

    A collection of Phoenix LiveView Components for all SVG Heroicons

  • mangler0.2.0

    163 838 Downloads

    A collection of utilities to validate and transform strings with diacritics, unicode and ascii.

  • surface_heroicons0.6.0

    33 067 Downloads

    A collection of Surface Components for all SVG Heroicons

  • tailwind_live_components0.6.4

    5 499 Downloads

    Tailwind Live Components is a set of HEEX components that builds LiveView components with Tailwind 2.0+

Jonathan Principe