Get information about Erlang/Elixir modules and BEAM files
Capture child processes' :stdio in tests
DatoCMS client with helpers for static site generators
Helpers for DatoCMS GraphQL access
DatoCMS Repo wrapping the REST client
DatoCMS REST API client
An Elixir client for the Heroku API
Deploy Elixir applications via mix tasks
Read and update image metadata
A pretty printer
A static site generator
Handle real-time updates to DatoCMS GraphQL queries
Helper functions for the Fermo static site generator
Fermo project generator.
Provides a `mix` task to bootstrap a new Fermo project with the standard dependencies for use with DatoCMS.
Create URL slugs
Parse and serialize GPX files
A configurable command-line otptions parser
An Elixir library for rendering Slim-like templates.
Generate HTTP clients based on JSON Hyperschemas
Simplify handling localized routes in Elixir Phoenix applications, with and without LiveView
Collocate Slime live templates with live views
Phy provides a number of generators for Elixir Phoenix projects.
Access the SolarEdge monitoring API