
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
2 712 652

  • abi1.3.0

    144 222 Downloads

    Ethereum's ABI Interface

  • blockchain0.1.7

    47 473 Downloads

    Ethereum's Blockchain Manager

  • circlex_api0.1.12

    4 135 Downloads

    Circle API Client and Emulator

  • daisy0.1.0


    A new blockchain experience

  • ethereum0.0.0


    Ethereum's implementation in Elixir [WIP]

  • ethereumex0.10.7

    323 237 Downloads

    Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain

  • evm0.1.14

    43 239 Downloads

    Ethereum's Virtual Machine, in all its glory.

  • ex_rlp0.6.0

    883 626 Downloads

    Ethereum's Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoding

  • ex_wire0.1.1


    Elixir Client for Ethereum's RLPx, DevP2P and Eth Wire Protocol

  • exth_crypto0.1.6

    126 264 Downloads

    Exthereum's Crypto Suite.

  • hex_prefix0.1.0

    44 419 Downloads

    Ethereum's Hex Prefix encoding

  • hyperbuffs0.2.3

    4 360 Downloads

    Hyperbuffs is an Elixir library which strongly connects Phoenix to Protobuf definitions. Based on content negotiation from incoming requests, your controllers will seamlessly accept and respond in either JSON or Protobuf.

  • inet_ext1.0.0

    112 101 Downloads

    An IP/Ethernet Utilities library

  • keccakf1600_orig2.1.0

    286 744 Downloads

    Keccak-f[1600] asynchronous port driver

  • libsecp256k10.1.10

    602 400 Downloads

    Erlang NIF bindings for the the libsecp256k1 library

  • merkle_patricia_tree0.2.8

    42 495 Downloads

    Ethereum's Merkle Patricia Trie data structure

  • nat_upnp0.1.0


    Erlang library to map your internal port to an external using UNP IGD

  • plug_protobufs0.1.4

    4 589 Downloads

    A plug parser for Protobufs input. This creates a simple and easy way to accept Protobufs as the input to your plug projects.

  • protobuf_ex0.6.1

    3 880 Downloads

    A pure Elixir implementation of Google Protobuf.

  • ravenex0.1.0

    9 405 Downloads

    Ravenex is an Elixir client for Sentry. Automatically send error notifications to Sentry. Easily connects with Phoenix through adding a logger or Plug.

  • redix_stream0.2.3

    16 180 Downloads

    Redis Stream Processor in Elxir, built on redix

  • signet1.2.9

    12 543 Downloads

    Lightweight Ethereum RPC client for Elixir

  • turnkey0.0.1-alpha2


    TurnkeyEx is an unofficial client to the Turnkey API.