
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
1 841 369

  • bare0.1.1

    334 663 Downloads

    An OTP library

  • brotli0.3.2

    193 584 Downloads

    brotli compression library wrapper for Erlang

  • credo_code_climate0.1.0

    22 096 Downloads

    Credo plugin for writing the CodeClimate-like result file

  • defconstant1.0.0

    1 124 Downloads

    Helper macros for defining constant values in modules

  • ecto_function1.0.1

    23 243 Downloads

    Simple macro for defining macro that will return `fragment` with SQL function.

    A little bit Xzibit, but fun.

  • ecto_olap0.2.1

    1 897 Downloads

    Data analytics helpers for Ecto and PostgreSQL

  • enough0.1.0

    196 054 Downloads

    A gen_server implementation with additional, overload-protected call type

  • lager_iowrite_formatter1.0.0

    32 205 Downloads

    An OTP library

  • logger_colorful0.1.0

    31 789 Downloads

    Colorful logger formatter wrapper

  • magritte0.1.2

    2 977 Downloads

    Ceci n'est pas une pipe - extended pipe operator

  • mix_elvis0.1.1

    26 054 Downloads

    Run Elvis linter for project that are using Mix

  • mix_machine0.1.1

    4 712 Downloads

    Produce machine readable output from Mix

  • mix_unused0.4.1

    312 104 Downloads

    Mix compiler tracer for detecting unused public functions

  • nomadex0.1.0


    HashiCorp Nomad's API client in Elixir

  • oc_datadog0.2.0


    Opencensus integration for DataDog

  • opencensus_plug0.3.0

    267 376 Downloads

    Integration between OpenCensus and Plug

  • opencensus_telemetry0.1.0

    5 386 Downloads

    Integration between telemetry and OpenCensus

  • phoenix_bakery0.1.2

    29 661 Downloads

    Better compression for your Phoenix assets.

  • piper0.0.4

    21 294 Downloads

    Simple task router similar to Phoenix.Router and Plug

  • plug_clacks1.0.0


    Remember of the fallen

  • plug_early_hints0.1.0

    2 766 Downloads

    Plug for generating Early Hints response

  • plug_telemetry_server_timing0.3.0

    28 157 Downloads

    Plug for providing Telemetry metrics within browser DevTools

  • ssh_signature0.1.0


    Pure Erlang implementation of SSH signatures

  • systemd0.6.2

    197 566 Downloads

    systemd integration for Erlang applications

  • watermelon0.1.1

    105 705 Downloads

    Super simple Gherkin features to ExUnit tests translator

Łukasz Niemier