Aliqin For Elixir SDK, 阿里大于
Aliyun Utils
Lib for elixir
A few sentences (a paragraph) describing the project.
A mocking libary for the Elixir language.
We use the Erlang meck library to provide module mocking functionality for Elixir. It uses macros in Elixir to expose the functionality in a convenient manner for integrating in Elixir tests.
Lib for elixir
Lib for elixir
Util For Gialib
Lib for elixir
Image Lib with some tools
IP Address to Chinese Name
Ku For Elixir SDK
Lib for elixir
The Mathx module adds many useful functions that extend Elixir's standard library.
MBCS 1.0
Lib for elixir
Lib for elixir
Memcache client library utilizing the memcache binary protocol.
Memcache client library Elixir.
Mustache for Elixir
QCloud Utils
Generate qrcode utils
Relax Lib with some tools
A elixir website
YAML encode! and decode!
A simple SFTP Elixir library
Lib for elixir
Lib for elixir
Lib for elixir