
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
6 570

  • eharbor1.0.0


    Harbor is a library that helps systems handle overload by providing a buffer and limits. It also has a request deduplication mechanism and can serve as a better alternative to a circuit breaker. It is appropriate to use Harbor if the system is likely to experience overload, if the system is doing...

  • ehashids0.1.4

    2 818 Downloads

    An NIF to hashids.c

  • iconverl3.0.21


    An advanced iconv nif wrapper.

  • phoenix_reverse_proxy1.2.0

    3 577 Downloads

    PhoenixReverseProxy is a high-performance reverse proxy solution for Phoenix. Utilizing the BEAM and pattern matching, it routes requests efficiently and handles reverse domain matching and WebSockets seamlessly. The best solution for Phoenix web apps that require a reverse proxy.