
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
36 914

  • dymo3.0.5

    9 954 Downloads

    Dymo is your database labeling companion.

  • ex_cop1.0.0

    8 892 Downloads

    A simple DSL to help writting policies.

  • ipfs0.1.5

    3 569 Downloads

    A wrapper around the IPFS and IPFS Cluster APIs.

  • kryptonite0.1.12

    8 393 Downloads

    A collection of modules that are very close to cryptography but aren't - hence the typo.

  • perudox0.1.0


    An implementation of the Perudo / Dudo / Pirate's Dice game written in Elixir.

  • poly_amory1.0.8

    5 797 Downloads

    Polymorphic embeds for Ecto. Forked from ecto_poly to make it compatible with Ecto 3.5+.

Pierre Martin