
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
2 404 094

  • crypto_rand1.0.4

    721 552 Downloads

    Fast and efficient cryptographically strong versions of several Enum functions that rely on :rand uniform functions for randomness.

  • entropy_string1.3.4

    374 828 Downloads

    Efficiently generate cryptographically strong random strings of specified entropy from various character sets. `EntropyString` is superseded by `Puid` (https://hex.pm/packages/puid).

  • entropy_string_erl1.1.1

    1 177 Downloads

    Efficiently generate cryptographically strong random strings of specified entropy from various character sets.

  • puid2.3.2

    1 166 493 Downloads

    Simple, fast, flexible and efficient generation of probably unique identifiers (`puid`, aka random strings) of intuitively specified entropy using pre-defined or custom characters.

  • random_password1.2.0

    140 044 Downloads

    Efficiently generate cryptographically strong random passwords using alpha (including Unicode), numeric and special symbols.

Paul Rogers