
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
8 585

  • cl_wifi0.1.1


    Extracts complexities of Cloudtrax into a nice module

  • codelation_messenger0.1.1


    Simple HTTP/HTTPS message handler for running tasks from other apps. Used in combination to the Ruby Gem Codelation Messenger. This allows for both async and sync message sending between the apps for use on Heroku.

  • ex_web0.2.4

    1 262 Downloads

    A simplifier for Plug applications. Template rendering, redirecting, error codes

  • http_event_client0.2.4

    4 213 Downloads

    Simple HTTP/HTTPS event emitter for running tasks from other apps. This allows for both async and sync message sending between the apps for use on Heroku.

  • http_event_server0.2.6

    1 995 Downloads

    Simple HTTP/HTTPS message handler for running tasks from other apps. This allows for both async and sync message sending between the apps for use on Heroku.