
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
3 269 885

  • async2.0.0

    5 994 Downloads

    Async consists on a worker pool for asynchronous execution of tasks (i.e. functions).

  • bottle1.0.1

    99 075 Downloads

    Provides a set of useful guards to reduce boilerplate code

  • cclock2.0.0

    3 853 Downloads

    Cluster clock

  • columbo2.0.0

    1 492 Downloads

    Erlang service discovery and tracking system for clusters

  • gibreel6.0.1

    2 763 Downloads

    Distributed cache implemented in Elixir / Erlang

  • json1.4.1

    3 151 828 Downloads

    The First Native Elixir library for JSON encoding and decoding

  • jsondoc0.7.1


    Erlang service handling json documents and templates

  • kill_bill6.0.0

    1 724 Downloads

    Erlang Web Application Server

  • narciso0.1.0


    Narciso is a unique ID generator using a 128 random bits.

  • quaff1.0.0

    2 345 Downloads

    Quaff is a set of tools for integrating Elixir into erlang applications (or vice versa).

Carlos Brito Lage