
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
287 355 899

  • artificery0.4.3

    11 482 152 Downloads

    A toolkit for terminal user interfaces in Elixir

  • bundler0.6.0

    8 229 Downloads

    Build releases of your Mix projects with ease! WARNING: This package is an experimental replacement for exrm, use at your own risk!

  • combine0.10.0

    102 825 438 Downloads

    A parser combinator library for Elixir projects.

  • conform2.5.2

    1 271 657 Downloads

    Easy, powerful, and extendable configuration tooling for releases.

  • conform_exrm1.0.0

    128 820 Downloads

    Conform plugin for ExRM

  • distillery2.1.1

    15 972 252 Downloads

    Build releases of your Mix projects with ease!

  • ex_unit_clustered_case0.5.0

    24 037 Downloads

    An extension for ExUnit for simplifying tests against a clustered application

  • exirc2.0.0

    118 983 Downloads

    An IRC client library for Elixir.

  • exprotobuf1.2.17

    1 536 643 Downloads

    exprotobuf provides native encoding/decoding of protobuf messages via generated modules/structs.

  • exrm1.0.8

    1 016 568 Downloads

    Exrm, or Elixir Release Manager, provides mix tasks for building, upgrading, and controlling release packages for your application.

  • firefly0.1.0



  • libcluster3.4.1

    12 985 193 Downloads

    Automatic Erlang cluster formation and management for Elixir/Erlang applications

  • libgraph0.16.0

    2 368 900 Downloads

    A high-performance graph datastructure library for Elixir projects

  • libring1.7.0

    6 142 811 Downloads

    A fast consistent hash ring implementation in Elixir

  • lumen0.1.0


    Mix support for the Lumen compiler/runtime

  • parcel0.1.0


    Elixir tooling for Parcel

  • picosat_elixir0.2.3

    283 921 Downloads

    Bindings for the PicoSAT SAT solver

  • strukt0.3.2

    97 951 Downloads

    Extends defstruct with schemas, changeset validation, and more

  • swarm3.4.0

    3 685 117 Downloads

    A fast, multi-master, distributed global process registry, with automatic distribution of worker processes.

  • timex3.7.11

    120 627 041 Downloads

    Timex is a rich, comprehensive Date/Time library for Elixir projects, with full timezone support via the :tzdata package. If you need to manipulate dates, times, datetimes, timestamps, etc., then Timex is for you!

  • timex_ecto3.4.0

    1 500 738 Downloads

    A plugin for Ecto and Timex which allows use of Timex types with Ecto

  • timex_interval0.6.0

    3 581 Downloads

    A date/time interval library for Elixir projects, based on Timex.

  • toml0.7.0

    3 946 498 Downloads

    An implementation of TOML for Elixir projects

  • uniq0.6.1

    1 157 395 Downloads

    Provides UUID generation, parsing, and formatting. Supports RFC 4122, and the v6 draft extension

  • uniq_compat0.1.1

    171 620 Downloads

    An :elixir_uuid compatibility layer for :uniq