
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
129 234 374

  • dawdle0.7.0

    11 267 Downloads

    Dawdle weaponizes Amazon SQS for use in your Elixir applications. Use it when you want to handle something later, or, better yet, when you want someone else to handle it.

  • dawdle_db0.7.3

    3 021 Downloads

    DawdleDB uses Dawdle and SQS to capture change notifications from PostgreSQL.

  • eventually1.1.0

    30 986 Downloads

    Macros to support assertions/refutations that might not be correct immediately but will eventually become so due to, say, eventual consistency.

  • ex_aws2.5.4

    57 478 204 Downloads

    AWS client for Elixir. Currently supports Dynamo, DynamoStreams, EC2, Firehose, Kinesis, KMS, Lambda, RRDS, Route53, S3, SES, SNS, SQS, STS

  • ex_aws_cloudformation2.0.1

    7 165 Downloads

    ExAws.Cloudformation service package

  • ex_aws_cloudwatch2.0.4

    494 850 Downloads

    Cloudwatch module for

  • ex_aws_dynamo4.2.1

    5 090 928 Downloads

    ExAws.Dynamo service package

  • ex_aws_dynamo_streams2.0.0

    4 064 Downloads

    ExAws.DynamoStreams service package

  • ex_aws_ec22.0.1

    1 700 236 Downloads

    ExAws.EC2 service package

  • ex_aws_elastic_transcoder2.0.0

    62 674 Downloads

    ExAws.ElasticTranscoder service package

  • ex_aws_firehose2.0.1

    567 178 Downloads

    ExAws.Firehose service package

  • ex_aws_kinesis2.0.1

    417 638 Downloads

    ExAws.Kinesis service package

  • ex_aws_kms2.4.0

    815 269 Downloads

    ExAws.KMS service package

  • ex_aws_lambda2.1.0

    980 278 Downloads

    ExAws.Lambda service package

  • ex_aws_rds2.0.2

    299 123 Downloads

    ExAws.RDS service package

  • ex_aws_route532.1.0

    294 584 Downloads

    ExAws.Route53 service package

  • ex_aws_s32.5.3

    47 403 109 Downloads

    ExAws.S3 service package

  • ex_aws_secretsmanager2.0.0

    1 025 345 Downloads

    ExAws.SecretsManager service package

  • ex_aws_ses2.4.1

    1 557 422 Downloads

    ExAws.SES service package

  • ex_aws_sns2.3.3

    3 012 100 Downloads

    ExAws.SNS service package

  • ex_aws_sqs3.4.0

    4 680 175 Downloads

    ExAws.SQS service package

  • ex_aws_sts2.3.0

    3 266 296 Downloads

    ExAws.STS service package

  • guardian_firebase1.0.0

    7 036 Downloads

    Library for authenticating against Google Firebase using Guardian.

  • loner0.2.0


    Loner provides a simple method for creating a registered, supervised singleton process within a multi-node cluster with the help of Horde.

  • module_config1.0.0

    25 223 Downloads

    Simplifies working with module specific configuration.

Bernard Duggan