
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
856 785 903

  • barrel_encoding0.1.0

    1 333 Downloads

    sortable serialiaation library

  • barrel_ibrowse4.3.1

    4 254 Downloads

    Erlang HTTP client application

  • barrel_jiffy0.14.5

    5 493 Downloads

    JSON Decoder/Encoder.

  • barrel_oauth1.6.0

    2 945 Downloads

    An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation

  • barrel_unofficial2.15.0

    1 587 Downloads

    MochiMedia Web Server

  • certifi2.13.0

    143 940 596 Downloads

    CA bundle adapted from Mozilla by

  • couchbeam1.5.1

    5 310 Downloads

    Erlang CouchDB client

  • econfig0.7.3

    11 716 Downloads

    simple Erlang config handler using INI files

  • ehash0.2.1

    13 432 Downloads

    A library to consistently crypto-hash Erlang Terms

  • erl_cidr1.2.1

    270 571 Downloads

    CIDR library for Erlang

  • erlang_xxhash0.2.0

    1 881 Downloads

    xxHash for Erlang.

  • ets_cas0.1.1


    handle CAS semantic to ETS on different OTP version

  • hackney1.20.1

    140 516 857 Downloads

    simple HTTP client

  • hlc3.0.1

    1 086 Downloads

    hybrid logical clock

  • hooks2.1.0

    30 564 Downloads

    generic plugin & hook system

  • idna6.1.1

    141 065 963 Downloads

    A pure Erlang IDNA implementation

  • inet_ext1.0.0

    94 207 Downloads

    An IP/Ethernet Utilities library

  • lru2.4.0

    26 238 922 Downloads

    implements a fixed-size LRU cache

  • match_trie0.1.0


    ETS trie to match keys

  • memstore0.2.3

    1 292 Downloads

    Simple memory database for Erlang application using MVCC to store the data.

  • metrics2.5.0

    132 588 323 Downloads

    A generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang.

  • mimerl1.3.0

    133 394 641 Downloads

    Library to handle mimetypes

  • mochicow0.6.4

    1 468 Downloads

    mochiweb adapter for cowboy

  • nat0.4.0

    8 450 Downloads

    implements NAT handling facilities

  • pbkdf2_nif0.4.0

    1 132 Downloads

    PBKDF2 NIF implementation

  • rebar3_elixir_compile1.1.0

    3 331 Downloads

    A rebar3 elixir compiler plugin

  • rebar3_path_deps0.4.0

    781 286 Downloads

    A rebar plugin to specify path dependencies.

  • rebar3_protobuffs0.2.0

    3 290 Downloads

    A rebar plugin

  • rocksdb1.8.0

    205 625 Downloads

    RocksDB for Erlang

  • rocksdb_cloud1.0.1


    RocksDB Cloud for Erlang

  • snappy1.1.1

    34 675 Downloads

    snappy compressor/decompressor Erlang NIF wrapper

  • teleport0.6.2


    application to call remote functions

  • ucol2.0.0

    17 245 Downloads

    ICU based collation module

  • ucol_nif1.1.5

    1 348 Downloads

    ICU based collation module

  • unicode_util_compat0.7.0

    137 535 802 Downloads

    unicode_util compatibility library for Erlang < 20