Elixir Authentication framework
Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir.
Some view helpers for phoenix html( truncate, time_ago_in_words, number_with_delimiter, url_for, current_page? )
Library for using Calendar with Ecto. Made for Ecto version older than 2.1. This lets you save Calendar types in Ecto and work with date-...
Neo4j driver for Elixir, using the fast Bolt protocol
Natural language datetime parser.
Integration between Phoenix & Calendar
Translations for the Calendar library.
Blogit is an OTP application for generating blog posts from a git repository containing markdown files.
:timer.send_after/3 persistable. Allows scheduling message delivery to specified process in miliseconds or at specified Calendar.DateTime...
Library to help you generate CSV files
Content Delivery Network Package for Elixir
Collection of common IndieWeb utilites like authorship resolution, Webmention, post type discovery and IndieAuth.
HMAC API Authentication
Arke low code framework Core
Conveniences for working with Elixir
Provides Joyent Manta storage backend for Arc.
Extensible plotting library and core plotting routines written in pure Elixir.
Helper functions for the Fermo static site generator
Elixir implementation of FIX Session Protocol FIXT.1.1
An elixir client library for the OVH API.
a two-way translator between Elixir data structures and strings of data following the edn specification.
Build calendars from ecto queries, includes view helpers for easy rendering with Phoenix
Elixir wrapper for the Giphy API
Get exchange rates from National Bank of Poland.
Building Blocks to write CQRS Event Sourcing apps in Elixir
Feed aggregator for Elixir.
A real-time time series database.
This library tells you how many milliseconds to the next occurrence of a scheduled event. This is very convenient to combine with `:time...
A simple library which converts the values of maps from various string representations of dates and times into native Elixir 1.3 dates. ...