Scrape podcast RSS feeds and extract and provide as much of the metadata available as possible. Includes ID3.2.x parsing of mp3 podcast r...
Recording Endpoint for Membrane RTC Engine
QCloud Utils
Package containing all AMI Models shared between micro-services.
An Elixir package for discovering and controlling Belkin Wemo devices.
Generate random user-agent
`blade` is a collección de scraping programs across a number de online domains. Replacing and picking up in þe place `code/reap` has en...
Dawdle weaponizes Amazon SQS for use in your Elixir applications. Use it when you want to handle something later, or, better yet, when yo...
RSS Feed parser built with Elixir
A package to query Brazilian CEP codes. Has support for multiple source APIs (Correios, ViaCep, Postmon, etc). It can query one specific...
SAML interface for authentication.
Remote file storage bootstrap library with dev conveniences
Package containing all AMI Models shared between micro-services.
A small library to help using the eBay Trading API with Elixir
Get weather forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration! As the NOAA is a United States government agency, only...
Send SM via Emay(亿美软通)
ADFS Strategy for Überauth
C(++) AST to elixir
Library for publish message to AWS SNS topic and consume messages from AWS SQS
# DPP A Distributed Path Planner
Automatically download new ElixirSips episodes
Simple wrapper for the Overpass API
A tool to interact with your board game collection and plays in Board Game Geek
A Client for Elixir
Unofficial Elixir client for processing payments through Chase Orbital.
CBR client library for Elixir.
Membrane Multimedia Framework plugin for S3
A simple client for HK's Weather RSS.
Implementation of CTI's STIX format
Plug for wechat with a xml parser