AMQP connection manager
Simple Elixir client for RabbitMQ built on top of AMQP.
Opinionated RabbitMQ framework for Elixir
A Celery producer for Elixir. Currently supports the RabbitMQ broker, and only publishing tasks (not running them or retrieving their res...
Library used for integration with the rabbitmq for dispatching notification messages to consuming services.
Some abstractions to interact with a AMQP broker (SaleMove fork)
Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.
RabbitMQ adapter for the Phoenix framework PubSub layer.
Simple Consumer for RabbitMQ messages
Tiny event bus API
rabbitex contains a set of tools that make working with RabbitMQ consume/produce pipelines easier
a DSL and some helpers to build reliable and solid RabbitMQ consumers
Routing DSL for consuming AMQP messages
Elixir client library for Stampery API: the blockchain-powered, industrial-scale certification platform.
Library to handle all consuming, producing, and exchanging of RabbitMQ messages via AMQP 0-9-1 protocol. Also enables RPC across independ...
An Elixir library for simplifying the sending of protocol buffers over rabbitmq.
GramnadRPC is a library providing gen_server and tools to command CouchDB via the RabbitMQ RPC connection.
Plugin to use Herald with AMQP