
  • 16 956
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 603
    echo_boy 0.6.1

    HTTP and WebSocket echo server as an OTP Application

  • 2 050
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    eeb 0.2.0

    Elixir extendable blog.

  • 717
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    eidetic_plug 0.3.0

    Plug that allows setting Eidetic metadata from the HTTP request

  • 1 076
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 31
    eio 0.1.0 server for Elixir.

  • 875
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 583
    electric 0.9.5

    Postgres sync engine. Sync little subsets of your Postgres data into local apps and services.

  • 471
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 359
    electric_phoenix 0.2.0

    A work-in-progress adapter to integrate Electric SQL's streaming updates into Phoenix.

  • 430
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    elegua 0.8.23

    User authentication with mail verification.

  • 697
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 31
    elixir_ale_dummy 0.1.1

    An ElixirALE implementation for hosts without GPIOs.

  • 328
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 31
    elixir_cms 0.1.0

    Elixir CMS - a developer friendly content management system.

  • 2 815
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 37
    elixir_google_drive_api 0.4.1

    Elixir library to work files of Google Drive

  • 16 929
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 1 057
    elixir_snmp 0.2.1

    SNMP tooling for elixir

  • 9 199
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 503
    elixir_wechat 0.4.6

    WeChat SDK for Elixir

  • 1 427
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 31
    entrance 0.4.3

    Flexible, lightweight and productive authentication for Plug, Phoenix and Ecto projects

  • 13 050
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 3 001
    ept_sdk 9.0.0

    An SDK for interacting with the Edge Payment Technologies API

  • 338 757
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 17 853
    error_message 0.3.2

    Error system to help make errors consistent across your system

  • 43 035
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 28 262
    error_tracker 0.5.2

    An Elixir-based built-in error tracking solution

  • 120 820
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 15 524
    etag_plug 1.0.0

    A simple to use plug for shallow ETags

  • 441
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 35
    ets_browser 0.1.3

    A simple web-based viewer of data stored in ETS.

  • 51 810
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 51
    event_bus_metrics 0.3.1

    Metrics for event_bus lib

  • 1 793
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 44
    everex 0.1.1

    Evernote API client for Elixir NOTE: Everex is UNDER DEVELOPMENT, and is NOT ready for production use. Feedback and contributions (via p...

  • 230 414
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 4 043
    eview 0.16.0

    Plug that converts response to Nebo #15 API spec format.

  • 37 894
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 10 107
    eview2 0.15.2

    Plug that converts response to Nebo #15 API spec format.

  • 129 210
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 2 341
    ewebmachine 2.3.2

    Ewebmachine contains macros and plugs to allow you to compose HTTP decision handlers and run the HTTP decision tree to get your HTTP resp...

  • 16 796
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 927
    ex_aliyun_sls 0.3.3

    Aliyun Log Service log producer for Elixir

  • 203
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    ex_api_tracing 0.0.1

    Wrapper around ex_ray for OpenTrace in Elixir Phoenix

  • 3 555
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 27
    exbuf_plug 0.0.6

    A small plug to handle decoding protocol buffers.

  • 1 124
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 32
    ex_clacks 0.1.2

    A Plug that pays homage to Terry Pratchett

  • 5 205 040
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 472 778
    ex_cldr 2.40.2

    Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) functions for Elixir to localize and format numbers, dates, lists, messages, languages, territories ...

  • 501 269
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 61 244
    ex_cldr_plugs 1.3.3

    Plugs suporting CLDR and setting the locale from requests and request headers.

  • 1 308
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 36
    ex_clean_pagination 0.0.3

    API pagination the way RFC7233 intended it

Showing 181–210 packages of 942 total